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        Millbrook Water Systems Franchise PO Box 63  Clarkston, MI 48347  1-248-620-1212


                                    Facts on pure natural Artesian Water:


What is Artesian Water?:

Artesian Water/Artesian Well Water - Bottled water from a well that taps a confined aquifer (a water-bearing underground layer of rock or sand) in which the water level stands at some height above the top of the aquifer


How do I know my water is safe?

Consumers can trust that bottled water is safe for many reasons. First, bottled water is strictly regulated at the federal level by FDA and at the state level by state agencies. By law, FDA standards for bottled water must be at least as stringent and protective of public health as standards set by EPA for public water systems. This helps ensure that bottled water sold in the United States meets stringent standards for safety, quality and labeling


Why we choose to ozonate our water instead of chlorinate:

Ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms that occurs naturally in the earth and that can also be manmade. In the upper atmosphere, it helps protect the earth’s surface from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. When ozone decomposes, it does so rapidly to form oxygen.



What is ozone?

Ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms that occurs naturally in the earth and that can also be manmade. In the upper atmosphere, it helps protect the earth’s surface from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. When ozone decomposes, it does so rapidly to form oxygen.

What are some of the uses of ozone?

Ozone is used as a disinfectant for killing microorganisms in the air and water. Many spas and hot tubs use ozone to keep the water free of algae and harmful bacteria. Ozone is also used for industrial and manufacturing purposes, as well as a bleaching and deodorizing agent.

Why use ozone to disinfect drinking water?

ozone is more effective than chlorine in disinfecting the water. Ozone disinfection produces less disinfection by-products which will enable these facilities to meet more stringent drinking water standards and regulations. Ozone also removes more trace organic compounds than chlorine which will result in better tasting and smelling water.


 Millbrook Water Systems Franchise PO Box 63  Clarkston, MI 48347  1-248-620-1212